Solway & Tyne
Texel Breeders Club

2019 Annual General Meeting Monday 14th Janaury

12th Feb 2019

This year's AGM was  held at The Shepherds Inn, Carlisle on Monday 14th January at 8.00pm

There was a small but select turnout of members for the beef rolls and usual chat, which followed the AGM . Kenny Fletcher, Editor of The Scottish Farmer was unfortunately unable to make it on the night, so Fiona Sloan our Secretary (and Kennys partenr) stood in and gave a tlak on her life with Texel Sheep. 

The new committee were elected as follows:-

2019 Committee
Chairman George Wilkinson
Vice-Chair Thomas Illingworth
Secretary Fiona Sloan
Treasurer/Membership Linda Bell
Committee Matthew Watson, Matthew MacTaggart, Roy Campbell, Fraser Galloway, Giles Pyman, Angus McColm, Craig Stoddart, Matt Stockdale, David Fearon, Harry Woodmass, Adam Mawson